Day Two: Vancouver

10:45 AM
I have just landed in Vancouver IA and the lobby kinda looks exactly how I would think a Canadian airport would look. With carpet flooring and wooden statues, this airport seems a lot more homey than DC's airport.
Image result for vancouver airportImage result for vancouver airport

11:35 AM:
The absolute first place I wanted to see first is the Ilanaaq, also known as the rock statue that is the first thing that comes to everyone's mind when thinking about Vancouver. To get there, how ever, we had to take a cable car to the site. The forest around Vancouver seems surprisingly untouched for it being such a large city.
Image result for vancouver cable car

1:30 PM:
After riding the cable car back down, my next stop was the Capilano Suspension Bridge. At almost 500 feet long and 270 feet above the river, crossing this bridge can be a daunting task for some. With the bridge being so high, you can easily see far below you and all of the different kinds of flora around.

Image result for vancouver cable bridge

3:47 PM:
Now, after getting back from the bridge, I then traveled to Harbour Centre. At almost 500 feet tall, it is an office building with a large observing deck on top for a 360 degree view of Vancouver. When up there, the view of Vancouver is amazing. I can only imagine how cool it would be to see the city at night up there.
Image result for Harbour Centre inside

4:38 PM:
I then went shopping for some souvenirs to bring back home at various tourist shops.

Image result for vancouver souvenirsImage result for vancouver souvenirs

6:27 PM:
It is now time for me to leave Canada to my next destination, Cancun... Right after I finish eating my poutine.
Image result for Poutine real


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