Day 8 Almaty Kazakhstan

12:47 A.M.
Stopping at Almaty Kazakhstan today. I just arrived at Almaty International Airport, and it looks much nicer than expected, even compared to other airports around the world.

1:26 P.M.
The Archaeology Museum in Almaty has many different species of fossils, from plants, to mammoths, to dinosaurs. From what most of the people told me, you come for the bones, stay for the architecture. After visiting, I can only agree with them. The building looks great, and even though there were many different fossils, the building looks awesome!

3:22 P.M.
The last place I want to visit is the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet Astana Opera.The building looks amazing and some of the more eccentric architecture ever. (even better than the Archaeology Museum). Everyone was dressed in there finest. Only some of the more expensive tastes would really want to go here. The ballet that was playing that night was Freedom-loving and Magnificent Carmen in Astana! 


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